Because IntelliTrack allows you to track all your asset and inventory data in one place, it powerfully transforms a number of different roles—from IT to Operations to Procurement to Facilities and more.
View Our Use Cases:
Visibility into assets and inventory helping GMs plan overall budget across all locations.
Visibility into assets and inventory and budget across regions of locations.
Visibility into assets and inventory and budget at a specific site.
Visibility into mobile assets and inventory needed ensuring IT supervisors meet all production SLAs.
Visibility to drive the IT service organization forward including insights on IT assets across the organization, health and security of the devices, and contracts. Very helpful for refresh budgeting.
Visibility into all assets and inventory across the organization—ability to see overall costs in one place.
Visibility into all assets and inventory at a specific site to plan for refresh, replenishment, and future year budget based on trending.
Visibility into all assets and inventory at a rolled-up level to plan for refresh, replenishment, and future year budget based on trending.
Visibility into all assets and inventory for all locations to plan future year budget based on trending.
Mailroom ensures that the expected service levels for delivery are met, work is prioritized appropriately, and review data for issue resolution.
Visibility to operational data ensuring that the mailroom is operating efficiently and delivering mail and packages in a cost-efficient manner.
a CIO at a major retailer and current Barcoding mobile computing customer.
a better way to manage and keep track of shared mobile devices.
We recommend IntelliTrack’s VeriMy™ application, an upgrade to the IT Assets bundle. VeriMy keeps the device locked until the mobile user scans their badge or logs in, automatically checking out the device to that particular user. VeriMy also logs device health statistics, drops, steps, and includes the ability to locate a missing device.
an Operations Manager in an enterprise organization.
the ability to manage mobile devices and hardware at my location, along with managing my inventory of supplies to ensure accurate reporting back to the global team for replenishment.
DecisionPoint Technologies would recommend the IntelliTrack platform with the IT Asset and Consumable Inventory bundles to track and manage all assets and inventory in one place.
Rotational Assets would be an excellent add to this platform configuration so that this Ops Manager could take advantage of check in/ check out functionality.
a Retail Operations Manager responsible for the retailer’s top stores.
to know how many IT assets I have at my stores; how many of these devices are out for repair; and for those in use, who has them.
DecisionPoint Technologies would recommend pairing the IT Assets and Rotational Assets bundles to handle IT hardware management, repairs and statuses, hardware service contracts, and user check outs. This Retail Ops Manager would be able to look at individual store levels as well as across the sites she manages.
Consumable inventory and Fixed Assets would be great additions to this platform’s configuration so that the Retail Ops Manager could also track consumable items like mobile device batteries and other computer assets like monitors, computers, etc., all in one place.
an Operations Manager at an organization that has multiple locations shipping millions of parts a month. We have mostly manual processes now, and are struggling with data accuracy. We’d also like to consider upgrading our scanners, since they’re no longer on the latest operating system or connectivity.
inventory management help along with anything around new mobile computing options and management.
DecisionPoint Technologies would recommend a consultation to fully scope a solution that accounts for process, people, and technology. From our platform, we’d recommend Consumable Inventory and IT Asset bundles to better manage inventory and to set this Operations Manager up for success with new mobile hardware.
Fixed Asset would be a great addition to this platform’s configuration since this team may want to start tracking forklifts, computers, etc., in the same place.
an IT Service Manager at a multi-location 3PL.
to get ready for budget season. My sites are asking me for device counts by type, OS version, including which devices might be going end-of-life. I need to also review service contract expirations to help plan for my budget requests. My sites also need this same kind of data regarding fixed assets, but today they get that from another process.
DecisionPoint Technologies recommends our IT Assets bundle to manage the full lifecycle of IT assets like mobile devices. The platform can easily give this IT Service Manager all the data he needs on each mobile device including OSs and service contract expirations.
Fixed Assets would be good to add-on so that this same IT Service Manager can manage fixed assets in the same way and in the same place that he is handling the IT assets. Managing all asset data in one location will streamline the budget season.
a Mailroom Services Manager who has issues with lost inbound packages and needs an improved way to track and manage incoming mail and shipments. I am a VP of Administrative Services for a company that operates in a campus environment.
an efficient process to efficiently route and track shipments that will save time from the mailroom to the recipient. I need a means to maintain a chain of custody of internal hardcopy documents or other mail within an organization.
DecisionPoint Technologies recommends IntelliTrack's Mailroom bundle to allow a customer to track mail and packages received into the organization. Packages that have a FedEx, UPS, and any other barcode label are easily received into the system using a mobile device with a barcode scanner.
Rotational Assets would be a great match with Mailroom so that an Equipment Manager could have visibility to assets being transported within their organization to or from an assignee.
Consumable Inventory would be a great match with Mailroom so that a Mailroom Services Manager could maintain their inventory of supplies, manage their inventory, and know when to reorder as needed.
a nurse and/or patient experience champion in a hospital or healthcare facility.
a better way to track and manage belongings, valuables, and property from patients when they are checked into a hospital and when they leave.
DecisionPoint Technologies would recommend IntelliTrack’s Patient Belongings Tracking (PBT) bundle to provide a better chain of custody around patient belongings.
We recommend tracking the mobile scanners that run PBT with our IT Assets bundle and tracking hospital stock room items like gloves, masks, and labels with our Consumable Inventory bundle.
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